
Our current plan for the curriculum is to use:

  • Balanced Literacy The language arts program at Francophone Charter School of Oakland is based on a balanced literacy approach, an approach based on a balance between several different factors.
  • Eureka Math is an inquiry-based math curriculum that is aligned with the Common Core. This curriculum equates mathematical concepts to stories, with the aim of developing conceptual understanding, encouraging students to use various mental strategies to solve problems, and to focus on the process instead of the answer.
  • FOSS is a research-based program that was developed by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • The Social Studies and Global Citizenship curriculum is an inquiry-based curriculum that aligns with the California State Standards in History-Social Science. Students learn not only about their local region, state and country but also about countries around the world. The curriculum includes hands-on projects and activities to guide inquiry, a focus on global citizenship and civic engagement, connections to protecting the environment, an integration of visual arts, music, dance and theater, cross-curricular links to language arts, science and math, and classroom community development. The curriculum covers the major disciplines of history, geography, civics and economics.