Tour and Enroll for the 2025-26 School Year
The Live Lottery takes place Monday, March 3rd at 4pm. Email for the link.
Applications for the 2025-26 school year opened on November 12, 2024.
The application deadline is February 14, 2025.
Tour & Information Sessions
Come learn more about the unique Francophone Charter School of Oakland academic program and community in one of our in-person tours. Tours include a presentation about the school, testimonies by current families, and a question and answer period with our Executive Director, Principal, and Staff.
RSVP HERE for any of the following enrollment events. Tours take place from 8:45 – 9:45am.
Lower Campus Tours (TK-2nd grade at 2634 Pleasant St, Oakland)
- February 13th
- March 6th
- March 20th
- April 17th
Upper Campus Tours (3rd-8th grade at 9736 Lawlor St, Oakland)
- No scheduled dates. Please contact Alex Webster for a private tour:
Francophone Charter School of Oakland is a public school, free and open to all students. English language learners and students with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Get started now at
For more information about enrollment, please contact us at or 510.746.0700.
2025-26 Enrollment Timeline
- November 12, 2024 Applications made available to families
- November 2024 Tours and info sessions start (see above for dates)
- February 14, 2025 Applications due to school (by 11:59 pm online or in-person/by mail delivery that day).
- The deadline to accept/decline a charter school offer is March 20, 2025. If you do not accept by this date, your charter school lottery offer will expire. Once you accept an offer, offers from other Oakland charter schools will be automatically declined. You can remain on waitlists but may only accept an offer at one school.
- IF YOU MISS THE FEBRUARY 14th DEADLINE, you will still be able to submit an online application for the 2025-26 school year. Applications submitted after the February 14th deadline will be considered a “Late Application” – you will be placed on the waiting list, at each of your selected schools, and/or offered enrollment if space becomes available.
- March 3-5, 2025: Lottery Drawing, info TBD
- March 6, 2025: Results are made public online. Families approve or decline offers.
- March 20, 2025: Confirmations to enroll due to school from families.
- March 21, 2025: Oakland Enrolls rescinds offers that have not been accepted are given to the next family on the waitlist.
Pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 et. seq) and relevant state law, Francophone Charter School of Oakland is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating children enrolled at Francophone Charter School of Oakland with known or suspected disabilities to determine whether a need for special education and related services exists. If your child has an IEP or 504, please send a copy to our Director of Student Support, Minda Glynn at
Language Proficiency
- Transitional Kindergarten (TK), Kindergarten (K) and 1st Grade: Our two-way dual immersion model works best with a 50/50 mix of French and non-French speakers in TK or K. Students may enter TK or K with no previous exposure to the French language. Entering students who indicate in their application that they are proficient in French will be scheduled for a French Language Review with the Director of French Language Instruction. Students identified as French speakers through the Language Review process will be eligible for the 49% of slots for French speakers. Non-French speakers will be eligible for 51% of slots for non-French speakers.
- Second through Eighth Grade: Students entering above the 2nd grade level need to show grade-level proficiency in French. Students for grades 2 through 8 will be assessed before they can be confirmed a slot.
French Language Review Accommodations: If your child requires review accommodations of any kind due to a disability, please notify Minda Glynn at Be advised that you will be requested to provide a copy of the accommodations required by your child’s Section 504 Plan or IEP. Francophone will use this information only to provide appropriate testing accommodations. No child will be denied admission on the basis of her or his disability.
Eligibility Criteria
Francophone Charter School of Oakland shall admit all students who wish to attend, in accordance with Education Code §47605(d)(2)(A). Francophone Charter School of Oakland is open to all California residents, non-sectarian, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, citizenship, disability, national or ethnic origin, or achievement level, in the administration of its admissions policies or educational programs. If the number of student applicants exceeds the Charter School’s capacity, enrollment (except for existing students of the Charter School) shall be determined by a public random drawing. For enrollment in TK, the child must be age 4 by September 1, 2025.
Admissions preference will be given in the following sequence of priority, provided all enrollment materials are fully completed and submitted by the announced deadlines:
- Children of Francophone Charter School Founding Team and Founding Families
- Siblings of current Francophone Charter School students
- Children of Francophone Charter School employees
- Children who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch and reside in Oakland, CA
- Children who reside in the OUSD local elementary school attendance area where the Francophone Charter School is located, or children who are enrolled in this local elementary school, if this school serves 55% or more students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals.
- Children who reside within the boundaries of Oakland Unified School District
- All other children in the State of California